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Moss-苔蘚 ( Thuidium Cymbifolium )-大羽蘚

Moss-苔蘚 ( Thuidium Cymbifolium )-大羽蘚

  • 園藝/手作用,活苔蘚(大羽蘚)。
  • 薄身、連續的一片,不易碎開,容易包覆。適合創作苔玉類型盆栽。
  • 苔蘚會因應濕度變成淺綠、鮮綠至深綠。 收到苔蘚後請用手輕觸苔蘚感受濕度,可稍微補充水份,但在使用前不要浸泡在水裏。可以的話,放置室外陰涼地方。陽光曝曬、冷/暖氣風口位置會令苔蘚急速乾燥,所以請小心安置苔蘚保持鮮綠。 這裡有關於如何養護苔蘚的文章:






  • Living moss (Thuidium Cymbifolium) for planting or crafts. 
  • One-piece texture suit for creating kokedama style bonsai.
  • Mosses are deep to light green depending upon its moisture content. Make sure to check moisture levels when your moss arrives. Fluff mosses with your hands. Rehydrate as needed and keep moist, but not soggy, until planted. If possible, stage your mosses outdoors until planting, rather than inside locations. Air conditioning or heat will dry out mosses quickly, and therefore require more attention to keep them fresh. For more details please visit our article about keeping moss green:


*Mosses may have  little eartheworm attached .

*Since florists and crafters treat most mosses as dead elements, we discourage the purchase of our LIVE mosses for these types of floral or craft projects. We request that buyers keep our mosses alive and thriving in sustainable landscapes or containers that feature the beauty of live, green moss colonies.

*Due to agricultural restrictions, We does not ship this moss to outside Hong Kong.

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